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(Magyar) Internépszínház évadnyitó hét

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“A béke az alfája és az omegája minden emberbaráti tevékenységnek, minden termelésnek, minden művészetnek, beleértve az élés művészetét is.” (Bertolt Brecht)

A pesti Népszínházat 1965-ben lebontották, és minket régóta foglalkoztat a kérdés, hogyan nézhetne ki ma egy népszínház. Vagy sokkal inkább egy népek és az azokat alkotó létezők közötti internépszínház. A kőszínházi struktúrában nem találjuk a helyünket, harcolunk a függetlenség függőségeivel és galambrajként körözünk a struktúrák körül, miközben különböző helyekre, különböző közösségekbe fészkeljük be magunkat. Egy éve a Népszínház utcában indítottuk el a helyteremtési kísérletünket.
És mivel minden valamirevaló színháznak van évadnyitója, mi is megünnepeljük a magunkét, mégpedig 1 héten át! Mert szeretünk megnyitni dolgokat, és aztán be nem fejezni.
Mindenkit szeretettel várunk (ahogy mindig). Célközönség célzottan nincs.
A megnyitó hét minden napján lesz látni-, megmozdulni-, nevetnivaló, és aki akar, aktívan be is szállhat.
Az évadnyitót a blahai galambok védnökölik, akik ma a népszínház hűlt helyén tanyáznak.

PROGRAM (folyamatosan frissül)

Október 21., hétfö
18.30-22.00 Bird Watching – Pneuma TV Party / Madár les – TV Party a Pneuma Szöv.-vel
Gyűjtögetés Pneuma Szöv. művészeti hálózat-kollektíva utóbbi 15 évének köztéri tematikájú videómunkáiból

Október 22., kedd
17.30-19.00 Olvasókör a Népszínház utában
Rosi Braidotti: A nomád írás / Writing as a nomadic subject

Október 23., szerda
14.00 – 17.00 Fess konténert akarunk! Konténerfesstés: az aprókert (csúnya) konténerei új arcot vagy arcokat kapnak >> a környéken élő lényeket festjük rájuk Szabados Luca (Pneuma Szöv.) vezetésével
18:00 @Megmozdulás a Népszínház utcában – kortárstánc-műhely Trishával

Október 24., csütörtök
nap közben: közös jelmezkészítés, készülés az évadnyitó estre

Október 25., péntek
16:00 – 18:00: Fura Madár felvonulás és divatbemutató
19:00- kb.22:00: Internépszínház Évadnyitó Ki MIt Tudna
19:00-19:30: Megmozdulás workshop Trishával megosztás
Jelentkezés és bővebb infó a

TV Free Europe: The Movie – Berlin Premiere

26 January, 2024, 8pm |
Club der polnischen Versager – Ackerstrasse 169, Berlin, Germany |

¤ Film screening and Q&A with the film team
¤ Live cinema “The Belt” by Gergő Pápai
¤ Party

>> Event part of Vorspiel – transmediale/CTM <<

TV FREE EUROPE. THE MOVIE – film by Gergely Pápai and Pneuma Szöv.
(Budapest +Nova Gorica/Leipzig/Szombathely/Taarnby/Oberwart 2023, 63 min, Hungarian,English+German with English subtitles)
Mari Szürke and Marie Grau met at the Pan-European Picnic in 1989. They traveled together to the present day to understand how to live with the freedom that the fall of communism brought us. This film tells the story of a strange journey in which the characters try to understand what it means to be free. Where did the story or history lead that we, who were born around the fall of the actually existing socialist regimes, are not the creators of, but only the winners or victims of? The TV Free Europe film is also the story of the failure of this impossible undertaking.
The characters in the film stumble around in the shadow of COVID-19, the hollowed out fall of the socialist regimes, the Orbán regime, self-realization, and the expectations associated with success. They are looking for the narrow path that leads between a meaningful life, the compromises made or not made for success, the traps of cynicism, and being losers.
This film tries to get to know its characters, capture our time, and some of the fundamental questions of our generation.

Followed by a special presentation TV Free Europe – The Movie co-director Gergő Pápai’s film project The Belt

cinematic journey with live-act
“What I know as the city is only a very, very small part of what Budapest actually occupies. Concrete channels for streams, logistics systems like railways, warehouse bases, high-voltage wires, outdated heating plants, abandoned factories and the heaps of by-products of former industrial production make up most of the city’s territory. The Belt is a slow film in which we leave behind the well-known sights of the city to see the new stadiums, the the old marshalling yards and the gigantic real estate developments. The film provides an opportunity for a slow, drifting journey where we can meditate on the relationship between ourselves, the city, and the natural environment. This movie is a silent film and I play live music, similar to the pianist who would accompany silent films in the past.” (G. Pápai)

Placemaking experiment in Népszínház utca (People’s Theatre Street)

Since 2008, we have been inhabiting places for shorter and longer periods, but now we are embarking on a long-term process of creating a new place.
In Józsefváros, we have recently (from 2021) rented a workshop office in Karácsony Sándor utca together with KÖME – Cultural Heritage Managers Association. We have been trying to rent a municipally owned space for years, and now we have finally been successful in our bid and together with KÖME we have been awarded the vacant 143 m2 shop space at Népszínház u. 26 for 5 years. We are able to give up our office rented on market basis (though at a friendly price) and move to Népszínház in October 2023!

quote from a text which we wrote about this placemaking experiment:

Népszínház street is located in the city center of Budapest, it is part of the 8th district but mentally it crosses much more diverse contexts. This multicultural street could well be a candidate for the title “folks’ street”, and this is not a historical coincidence. The street has always been an important artery of Budapest, serving as a gathering place for the rural and distant population that came to the capital from the 2nd half of the 19th century on, and as a home for merchants, artisans and artists. It connected the first main railway station with the city centre, the outside with the inside, the new with the old, the foreign with the other foreigner, the resident with the foreigner. The street was given its current name in the year after the unification of the city (in 1873), in connection with the great theatre project of the time, which was intended to reach out to a wide range of people and provide them with access to culture. Today, the street, deprived of its folk theatre and cinemas, is best known as the antechamber of the district’s ‘ghetto romanticism’. The local society became even more colourful in the 20th century when African and Asian migrants started to settle down in the neighbourhood. Since the turn of the millennium, an increasing gentrification makes the local dynamics and challenges even more complex.

The focus of the place-making process is the abandoned shop space at Népszínház Street 26. Thanks to the support of the Józsefváros Municipality, we can lease this space for the next 5 years. We aim to transform this space into an inclusive meeting point, a communication hub for Népszínház Street. Our goal is to go beyond conventional cultural representations and “safe spaces,” creating surfaces that can connect the most diverse people despite social fragmentation.

Read the reportage of the daily newspaper Népszava about our opening Népsziasztok! Placemaking Festival here (in Hungarian)

Join our facebook group NÉPSZÍNHÁZ!
More info about Népszínház micropark and the micropark project of Joseph Town here.

Spectacular Society in Gólya

The Spectacular Society warmly invites you to its political game evenings!

2 and 30 October, 2022, Gólya, Budapest

🥣 Constant supply: capitalist society of spectacle
🍳 Menu of the day: lazy karaoke, mindfucks, shredded sloth

🍟 Who is it for?
Anyone who can spare a little time for laziness.
Anyone who’s under pressure at work.
Anyone who isn’t afraid to put on the glasses we give them (and open their eyes while they’re at it).
Who doesn’t want to spend Sunday evening alone, but not very active either.

Facebook event:

Continue reading “Spectacular Society in Gólya”

Spectacular Society

This spring we have been working on a series of workshops based on the situationist Guy Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle. In this book,  Debord decribes with unwavering rigorosity and poetical richness the nature of capital that has gotten to a state of accumulation so that it became “spectacle”. By using the word spectacle Debord describes the commodification of all aspects of human life, including love and the most intimate relationships to an extent when illusion becomes the real and the real is only a moment within the illusion.

Starting from chapters of The Society of the Spectacle we set out to find our own relationships to the spectacle. We used different practices, many of them public space observations, some kind of a dérive in the city (as situationists called this kind of method of psychogeography).

From April 29 on we are organising open soirées to share with others the practices used during the workshop.

See the facebook event here:


TV Free Europe at Ars Electronica

TV Free Europe was presented at Ars Electronica, one of the largest intermedia, new media, digital-cultural, contemporary media and research festivals in the world.

𝗔 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗗𝗶𝗴𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗹8.–12. SEPTEMBER 2021TV Free Europe / Studio Nova Gorica (University NG, School of Arts – Akademija umetnosti Univerza v Novi Gorici)  was presented at the “Gardens” section.

“Fear Free”
TV show –  created in the frame of a smeinary held by Sarah Günther and Jasna Hribernik

Panel discussion by and with the project’s creators


Seeking Resonant Cartographies Beyond States of Insecurity: Borsos Lőrinc’s and Pneuma Szöv’s Critical Fictioning of the Self and the Social in Illiberal Hungary

An MA thesis by Maggie Sava about two Hungarian artist groups: Pneuma Szöv. and Borsos Lőrinc.
You can download it here.

Made in the frame of: MA Contemporary Art Theory Dissertation, Goldsmiths, University of London
Dissertation Tutor: Dr. Janna Graham
Submission Date: 03 September 2019



TV Free Europe Forecast

TV Free Europe is a collaborative experimental Tele- and Theatre Vision, started in 2019, 30 years after the Fall of the Wall. It is the joint work of seven local studios from 5 countries. An artistic research about TV, with performance, public art, university classes, street interventions, life. A thinking about being free artists. Wanna know more? Listen to your inner David:


September 12 | Border opening event with live transmission from Studio Oberwart (AT)
October 2020 – March 2021Winter is coming – stay tuned for programs coming up
April – June 2021 | TV Free Europe goes live in the local studios

///// stay tuned on