In a live performance the fictional duo of East-German immigrant Marie and Hungarian underground dreamer Mari lead through a performance of a TV Late Night Show that screens the world and actual questions through a perspective of 1989. Mari&Marie can reflect with humour and distance about today’s condition of freedom and living. At the same time they scrutinise formats of media dispositives and narratives through putting themselves into play as seemingly anti-moderators, as well as concepts of failing and clumsiness.
An essential part of the show is the always returning guest star “Dr.Purple”, who deals with questions of superstar hypes of nowadays. Next to her, each show presents, according to the actual topic, different guests from the Eastern and international undergrounds. They shape the show with their different aesthetics. Such as PhD candidate and technobutoh scholar Balázs Kellner, HoloChain and DarkWeb master Anders Aamodt, singer-songwriter Mary Ocher or alternative bands from Hungary. The show incorporates a wide range of multimedia and analog media elements such as live made projection or video live gaming and also sheds lights onto the question of interactivity in media and society nowadays.
Shows at: TårnbyTorv Festival Denmark, independent venues in Budapest and around: Auróra, Ó2, Crisis Festival in Patyolat, Bankitó Festival 2017, ROM Riders on the Mall 2018 Festival for Audiovisual Art, Müszi Budapest
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