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THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING – Mari & Marie’s Early Night Show

Mari @ Marie’s Early Night Show @TRIP Ship Budapest | 5 October, 2019

The show happened in the context of our European Democracy Network and was co-organised with KÖME – Kulturális Örökség Menedzserek Egyesülete

One of the main demands of active citizens in Central and Eastern Europe in the late 80s was the right for information and a democratic public sphere. In 2019 we face a narrowing public sphere with increasing restrictions on the freedom of press, assembly and expression in many European countries and beyond. More and more moments emerge reminiscent of the “velvet prison” as writer, politician and human rights advocate Miklós Haraszti called the late Kádár regime.

Greetings from the future of 1989, feel the wind of CHANGE!

Hungarian Mari and East-German refugee Marie, two young journalists, are time travelling from 1989 to 2019 to host today’s talk show. Join them for an interactive conversation with performative elements around shrinking civic spaces and civic actors’ legitimacy, reputation and freedom fundamentally being challenged. Together, we want to explore how civic spaces are being restricted in European and neighbouring countries; what are the similarities and differences across Europe; how we as civil society can stand in solidarity with each other and learn from each others‘ reactions and actions against these threatening tendencies in our specific local contexts.

by and with Pneuma Szöv. ft. Pneuma Vizuál
Sarah Günther (Marie)
Csilla File (Mari)
& Zsuzsa Berecz (the old free & single groupie), Árpád Bőczén (sound), Balázs Kellner (mummy blue), Viktor Markos (visuals), Luca Szabados (visuals, design)
special guests Anna Illés (Extinction Rebellion Hungary), Dr. Purple aka Lilla Magyari

Co-organised with the European Democracy Network, Pneuma Szöv. / Mókusok, Pneuma Vizuál and KÖME – Association of Cultural Heritage Managers / KÖME – Kulturális Örökség Menedzserek Egyesülete.
The event was kindly supported by the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery, Citizens For Europe and TASZ, co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union and the U.S. Embassy of Budapest.