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The film gives an insight into Csilla Horváth’s story and knowledge, – a homeless person’s views on the recent incredible situation of people without home in Budapest. Csilla Horváth works in a homeless shelter and is the writer of the original Mókus story (see Mókus Maxi 2012). After working together for one year, Sarah Günther decided to collect the stories of the Homeless participants of the 20-forint-operetta.
It experiments with a communication between the audio and the visual layer.

The short film was presented during the exhibition Nyolcadik Tenger („8th sea“) in Müszi and on the International MitOstfestival Leipzig in 2013.

with & by: Csilla Horváth (voice), Andrea Giuliano (picture), Sarah Günther (interview, camera & edit), Viktor Markos (edit)