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Mókus Maxi for Mayor – 20 Forint Operetta III.

// Mayor campaign for the homeless squirrel Mokus Maxi
// 2014, June-December
// Mayor Elections, 8th district of Budapest.

The homeless giant squirrel Mokus Maxi became a candidate for mayor in the 8th district of Budapest. An artistic campain in the year of local elections in Hungary. Maxi was competing with the actual mayor Máté Kocsis representing an avantgarde of criminalizing homeless people and establishing the biggest
surveillance system in Hungary. One of Maxi’s idols and family members is Antanas Mockus, former mayor of Bogota. The campaign focused on the question what tasks a mayor should or could have.

“I am the homeless captain Mókus Maxi (Macky Squirrel) and a Giant Squirrel travelling in the 8th district in Budapest. I
started my campaign for the local election in autumn where I wanna win the Mayor election in the 8th sea. One of my idols
and family members is Antanas Mockus, former mayor of Bogota. With my golden shopping car I travel through the 8th district
and meet people who help me to find out what I can do as a mayor. I ask myself if we still need new mayors, or if I should
encourage everybody to become a new mayor.
I have two aims found so far:
Adó helyett Odút! (A refuge instead of tax!)
Ellenörzés helyett bizalmat (Trust instead of surveillance!)
As the local government here is a master of disappearance: they make disappear homeless people from city space, benches,
public sphere, food distribution, my aim is at the moment also to make disappear the disappearance.
Let’s come together in alternative news channels and make space for a new squirrel economy.
Most of my posts are in Hungarian, but I am working on english and german informations, because i wanna expand”

Supported by Norway & EEA Grants, Heinrich Böll Foundation

July – Dec 2014, Budapest [HU]
video |

Wandering Street University – 20 forint operetta II.

// Second part of the 20 Forint Operetta. A street university exploring and transforming urban public spaces by means of performative methods and common reflections.
// 2013, May-October
// Budapest/Leipzig.

The street university is based on non-hierarchical learning. It brings together different actors of society in order to create and transfer common knowledge. In the summer of 2013, we made excursions
in the 8th district of Budapest, got in dialog with inhabitants and civil networks, formed a public choir and founded a local newspaper.

Activities in the frame of the Wandering Street University:
* a choir workshop led by Salam Yousry (Egypt) in Budapest. As a result our local street action choir BKK (Insider Outsiders) was formed. This choir is now allied to Pneuma’s activities, different demonstrations on housing issues, street actions, squat actions.
video report including BKK choir |

* shooting of a sci-fi movie on the streets of Joseph City (8th district).
video |

* local newspaper „The Eighth Sea” – regularly published, written and edited by a changing team of artists, inhabitants, activists
web |

* Moving on the 8th sea – a street workshop led by Sarah Günther and Imre Vass
topic: Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of “striated” and “smooth” space in order to explore borders in city space
report |

* Eighth Sea Feast – one-day feast on the Horváth Mihály tér, future central square of Joseph City, now abandoned transit space with unused, not upkept football-ground and playground.

Partners & Supporters: Mobile Albania (DE), Shelter Foundation (HU),, Nap Klub Foundation (HU), Robert Bosch Foundation – International Theatre Institute “Szenenwechsel” program


Budapest, 2013, 38 min, in Hungarian with English subtitles

The film tells the legend of Mókus Maxi, a giant multifunctional homeless squirrel. It gives an insight into the German-Hungarian theatre project „20 forintos operetta”, a street phantasy that deals with street situation in Budapest by fostering a common space, a living open society of trust and cooperation through art.

Director: Sarah Günther
Cut: Sarah Günther, Markos Viktor, Pápai Gergely
Music: Dudás Zsombor, Rimóczi István


2016, January: Bremen
2015, November: Stand 129, Vienna
2015, November: Urbanize! Festival 2015 – in the Selection of Short Movies „DO IT TOGETHER“
2013, October :  11th International MitOst Festival, Leipzig – premier
2013, April: MüSzi

The film got nominated in the “Úton” (“On the Road) competition programme of the MEDIAWAVE Festival.

Nyolcadik Tenger – Kiállítástábor

2013. április 18-27.
Művelődési Szint (Müszi), Budapest

Sós víz tört fel a Józsefvárosban – létrejött a Nyolcadik Tenger és elárasztotta a MüSzit is.
A Nyolcadik tenger című kiállítástábor a 20 Forintos operett első állomását zárta le.
A 10 napos kiállítástábor a 2012 nyarán megkezdett 10 hetes munka (ld. Mókus Maxi) eredményeit mutatta be és gondolta tovább a résztvevők segítségével. A kiállítás programjában voltak beszélgetések, közös éneklés (a Bennfentes Kívülállók Közkórus alakuló kóruspróbái), a 20 forintos operettről készült dokumentumfilm első verziójának bemutatója, workshopok (köztéri művészet gyakorlatok, bábkészítés a Virágbolt projekt közreműködésével), palackposta, szubjektív nyolcadik tenger térkép, közös építés, nyócker séta, történet-megálló, időbank és csere-bere.
Április 13-tól minden nap a MüSziben vártuk az érdeklődőket, önkéntes segítőket a kiállítástábor előkészítésétől a zárásáig. A 10 napra a MüSzibe települő mókusgazdaság minden segítséget, felajánlást, PET-palackot, 8ker-történetet örömmel fogadott és hasznosított.

Megnyitó: április 18. 19.00
Nyitvatartás: 15:00-tól estig (kb. 22:00)

Folyamatos programok:
– Bennfentes Kívülállók Utcai Közkórus: alakuló kóruspróbák és
intervenciók (Ápr. 19, 23-25. 18:00-19:00)
– Virágbolt: hírbábozás (időpontok a facebookon)

Április 18., csütörtök: Első utazás
19:00: felolvasás Mókus Maxi történeteiből, a Mókus Riviéra c.
film vetítése, a BKK kórus bemutatkozása
Málna csoport sQueerel buli

Április 20., szombat: Mókus style
13:00-15:00: mókustánc-workshop gyerekeknek és felnőtteknek,
vezeti: Vass Imre
13:00-15:00: varróműhely: biciklis mókus-kalózruhák és
kiegészítők készítése
15:00-tól: mókuskerekezés a critical mass-en (indulás a Müszitől)

Április 21., vasárnap: Mókusgazdasági nap
15:00-19:00: a Föld Vasárnapja a MÜSZIben
Időbank a Suska piacon
Beszélgetés a feltétel nélküli alapjövedelemről

Április 22., hétfő: A köztéri művészet napja
15:00-17:00: köztéri performansz-gyakorlatok Sarah Güntherrel
18:00: A mi kis falunk új típusú public art, részvételi művészet
Magyarországon – beszélgetés (moderátor: Kertész László)

Április 26., péntek:
street art-séta a 8. kerületben (Julius Palacinka / vezetésével)
17:00: Közösségi sétaépítés a Nyolcadik tengeren túl
(Vezetik: Balázs Anna, Koniorczyk Bori urbanisták)

27.szombat : FINISSAGE – Vége Voyage
15:00: Mókus-dalok: BKK kórus a Bélaműhely hangszereivel

Köszönjük az alkotóknak:
Hankó Kitti, HoCsi, Andrea Ermanno Francesco Giuliano, Julius Palacinka, Prieszol Julianna, Barts Lívia, Vass Imre, Szabó Vera, Martin, Rian, Eva-Maria Dombrady, Sztuchlick Andrea, Rejtő Gábor, Bogyó Virág, Hódi Csilla, Rian, David Robert Evans,

a koncepciót készítették a részeg tengerészek:
Berecz Zsuzsa, Esze Dorka, Sarah Günther, Markos Viktor és Szabados Luca ?event=a-nyolcadik-tenger-k iallitas



The film gives an insight into Csilla Horváth’s story and knowledge, – a homeless person’s views on the recent incredible situation of people without home in Budapest. Csilla Horváth works in a homeless shelter and is the writer of the original Mókus story (see Mókus Maxi 2012). After working together for one year, Sarah Günther decided to collect the stories of the Homeless participants of the 20-forint-operetta.
It experiments with a communication between the audio and the visual layer.

The short film was presented during the exhibition Nyolcadik Tenger („8th sea“) in Müszi and on the International MitOstfestival Leipzig in 2013.

with & by: Csilla Horváth (voice), Andrea Giuliano (picture), Sarah Günther (interview, camera & edit), Viktor Markos (edit)

Mókus Maxi – 20 Forint Operetta I.

The first stage of the operetta was a 10-week all-day open workshop in the 8th district of Budapest (the city’s poorest and most heterogenous district with a high percentage of immigrants, a large Roma population, high criminality and housing poverty).
The group of collaborators and diverse newcomers turned an empty lot into a meeting point and a rehearsal space for the open society. Neighbour children turned one of the sandboxes into a backyard garden. Local artists and residents assembled a film crew, wrote, acted and shot a series of soap opera episodes and held a local screening. Homeless artists organized a writing circle to create textual material for the project. The experimental music group Bélaműhely composed songs from these texts and then performed them in the streets on instruments they built of refuse and trash.
The project revolved around the figure of Mókus Maxi, a homeless sailor (inspired by a short story of a former homeless writer). Around this character arose the legend of the 8th Sea representing the 8th district. By the end of the 2,5 months the growing community built up a giant mobile squirrel. This rodent relative of Mack the Knife from the Threepenny Opera (Brecht/Weill) gathered the audience around him and sailed them through the “8th Sea of Budapest” in a big theatrical street procession.

DOCUMENTARY  “Mókus Riviéra” (trailer) |

partners Mobile Albania, Vagyunk Association of Homeless Artists, Béla Műhely, Fedél Nélkül
supported by Schering Stiftung, MitOst e.V, Local government of Joseph Town Budapest
Winner of the competition “kultur-im-dialog-moe 2012”, a program by the Schering Stiftung and MitOst e.V., Berlin.

concept & realisation: everybody
idea & coordination: Pneuma Szöv. + Mobile Albania
texts & stories: Vagyunk Egyesület + Uccaművész Egyesület
music & instruments: Béla Műhely + Dudás Zsombor

with & by:
Andrea Francesco Ermanno (translation), Andrea Sztuchlik (muse), Attila (drummer),
Benedek Gyuri (soap operett shooting), Boross Martin (squirrelbuilder, performer), Berecz Zsuzsa (Pneuma Szöv., production management),
Camille Tournebize (volunteer, squirrelbuilder), Cseke Dorina (fotos), Csiki Betti (dancer, performer), Csoport Új Vizualitás (fotos),
Dudás Zsombor (music & mokus drums),
Elisabeth Katalin Grabow (squirreldance leader), Erdős Zoli (informer), Erwin Feldmann (beautify Tolnai and streetwalker), Esze Dorka (performer, squirrelbuilder),
Fekete Hajnal (fotos), Feri (the train drawer), Franzi Günther & Iris (cooking),
Gábor (helper), Gábor (squirrelbuilder), Gábor (bottle collector), Galamb Istvan (trailer construction), Galamb Zsuzsanna (Goethe Guerilla, squirrel mossgraffiti), Gyenei Peti (ship sponsor), Gyuri / Georgi (bamboo-nod-expert, squirrelbuilder),
Hannes Hanath (beautify tolnai), Herczeg Zoltan (3B, graphics, costumes, nemzeti-cutter), HoCsi / Horváth Csilla (Vagyunk Egyesület, writer, performer), Huterják János (pirate),
Ivett (dancer, singer),
Julius Palacinka (daily reporter),
Katharina Stephan (Mobile Albania, concept, squirrel building), Kevin (performer), Kiss Béla (mókus cooking),
Lée Jozsef (Vagyunk Egyesület, writer),
Margerita (beautify tolnai), Makra Viktória (puppet workshop, coordination of the soap operett), Markos Viktor (Pneuma Szöv.,soap operett camera, cutting, concept), Mauricio Mendivil (squirrel help), Mercsei Pál (Uccamüvész Egyesület, writer, performer), Mobile Albania Crew: Flo & Till (performers, builders), Molnár Bence (Bélaműhely, music workshop),
Orbán Anna (Vagyunk Egyesület, writer, singer), Owen Good (translation)
Pápai Gergő (squirrel movie), Pista (cooking, soap operett performer), Pisti (performer), Pisti (helper), Prieszol Julianna (performer, mókus cooking and building, social support, writer),
Rejtő Gábor (Uccamüvész Egyesület, writer, leader of the writers workshop), Rimóczi István (Bélaműhely, instrumentbuilding workshop, music), Robi (cooking), Roland Siegwald (Mobile Albania, concept, squirrel building),
Sarah Günther (Pneuma Szöv., Mobile Albania, idea, concept, artistic coordination), Simon Viktória Nóra (organisation assistance, squirrelbuilder), Somló David & Bélaműhely Crew, Szabados Luca (Pneuma Szöv.,design, costumes), Szabó Veronika (squirrel haircuter), Szalay György (writer, performer, main actor in the soapoperett), Szandi (dancer performer), Szélig Feri (thief, nightwatch, térfigyelő), Széphelyi Júlia (script soap operett), Szobota Luca (children workshops, beautify tolnai),
Tamás Bence (hegedű), Tomika, Tóth Betti (Kakadu fözés, mókus cooking), Tultz Erika (assistance, childrenwatcher), Túri László (yogamaster, performer),
Vécsei Anna (dramaturg puppet workshop)

És minden palack-gyűjtő és még sokan mások!